I hope everyone's Sunday is going well. Well, the home show was yesterday, and it was a very nice show. The home we were invited to was beautiful. I feel that it was well attended for being in a private home, and I took several custom orders and sold some additional items. One of the best sellers was the Mother's bracelet shown here. (Yes, I took pictures today and am listing items.) I have only listed this item so far, but look for the Teacher's Bracelet, as well as many more in the next few days. I am going to try to get in to the show at Santa Maria in Mundelein, IL on December 9. I do have enough pieces to sell there.
I took some quick pictures of my table while it was set up in my home. The pictures are not the greatest, but I thought I would share them with you, since you have to keep hearing about the show.
You all are so patient, to keep coming back while I prepared for this show. It was fun, but I'm happy it is behind me. Now that the table is done, it should be a breeze. 

The stands were all custom built by my husband, as well as the lighting that he put together. The lights are all polished chrome, and the displays are wood and stainless, so the table does look high end (but I am a bit prejudiced). The table cloth is light purple satin, and that is not showing well in the pictures.
Well off to list more and to finish dinner. Thanks for visiting, and let me know what you think of the table (in spite of the picture).
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