My Newest Listings
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Posted by Kim 0 comments
Labels: free shipping, glassmenagerie1, hematite, silver
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Sunday

The stands were all custom built by my husband, as well as the lighting that he put together. The lights are all polished chrome, and the displays are wood and stainless, so the table does look high end (but I am a bit prejudiced). The table cloth is light purple satin, and that is not showing well in the pictures.
Posted by Kim 0 comments
Labels: mother's bracelet, show
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thank you Veterans!
It is Veterans Day, and today should be the day that we make sure to give thanks for the men and woman who serve our country by putting their own lives on the line every day, past and present. I always believe in counting my blessings, and they are definitely at the top blessing list today.
I have completed many new pieces, but have not had time to take pictures. I'm hoping on Sunday, after the show to get them listed. Since this is the first show that I have done in years, it is like starting from scratch. The table looks great, due to the hard work my husband has put in making displays and lighting.
On Sunday, he customized a desk that he got from work, and made my workstation so much bigger. I'm getting used to it, but really like it better.
So, please bear with me the rest of this week, and I will be more on track next week with new listings.
Posted by Kim 0 comments
Labels: display, glass menagerie, jewelry, Veterans Day
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Featured Artist Thursday and more
This very talented artist makes the cutest wristlets bags in the most beautiful colors. The colorful fabrics that are used really make you want more then one. You can find these on Etsy at: http://greenleafstudios.etsy.com/. Ange is the owner of this shop and states in her profile, "I love bright happy colors, trees, leaves, flowers, lakes, and refreshing breezes. I love putting stuff together and creating something more than just the sum of the parts.That would probably explain why I love fabric so much. I can find any and all of the things I love printed on fabric and I can make something out of it." She is also talking about using other media's in the future. I personally can't wait to see here creations. Her shop is a favorite of mine, and I bet becomes one of yours too. Ange's Etsy mini is also on the blog on the left side. It will allow you to see more of the colors she uses.
On the personal side of my business, the home show is drawing close as November 15 comes closer. My husband made me beautiful displays for bracelets and earrings and is now working of lighting. I am so fortunate to have such a supportive husband. He even sells my creations on the train!
Have a great Thursday!
Posted by Kim 2 comments
Labels: display, glassmenagerie1, greenleafstudios, jewelry
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day!
Did you vote today? I did this morning, and am very interested in the outcome of the election. Tonight as I sit in front of the tv watching, I will also be beading. Such a great combination! I'm so behind on posting the new items I made. They need to go up, so I can get your opinion on them.
I switched the etsy mini's on the right and left of page. Make sure that you take a look at them. There are so many amazing artists on etsy and also on 1000 markets. If you haven't heard of 1000 Markets, they are located at: www.1000markets.com. This site is still in the early stages, but I'm proud to be there and grow with it. http://glassmenagerie1.1000markets.com.
I'm still looking for the Mary Engelbreit December/January magazine in the stores. If you have it, check out the Etsy ad. I'm in it!
I will post soon with new pictures and items.
Posted by Kim 0 comments
Labels: 1000 markets, election, mary engelbreit, vote